Matt Daniger
and bred in LA, Matt Daniger is a film production major
at Cal State Northridge and a self-proclaimed Mama's
boy. He hopes to make his mark in Hollywood in more
ways than simply being an authentic native (because
we know how many doors that opens). Matt began his theatrical
career in the third grade in a most forgettable production,
then graduated to his first on-screen role as an abusive
husband and father seized by the devil and sent to hell
in the highly unknown film, Chances. He also is a talented
kit car builder, having helped build one of the model
cars on 'Home Improvement.' Juggling his spare time
between college, acting, screenwriting, photography,
delivering pizzas and just being cool, Matt's main hobby
is sleeping. He is single and looking, so if you think
he's cute, and you don't speak in fragmented sentences,
talk to him. It could be blissful.