May Daze
best comedy happens in May. Who would have thunk it?
The cast truly has "a leg up" on improv.
Look - it's a bird, it's a plane... nah, it's just a
bunch of
improv actors pointing aimlessly.
Bergman would be proud... or not...
Hey! Didn't we just do that Bergman suggestion?
Ahhh... aren't they cute?
Laura Buckles realizes garlic isn't a crowd-pleaser.
Is it safe to come out?
You think they can see us?
Looks like Jason Gareffa just had a momentary flashback
of an elementary school assembly.
Yo, this Hawaiian skirt cost me a fortune!
Give it up guys. Laura's are nicer.
Tim Simek making sure Ian's hair is perfectly in place
for the show. What a knowledgable and complete director.
Tim explains to the audience why he's the only person
out there.